Pregnancy Skin Care Guide
Safe, non-toxic & affordable.
From head to toe, what you choose matters.
Even before your baby's born, she can be exposed to gross things such as carcinogens and hormone disruptors.
While it's impossible to avoid everything, you can reduce the amount of exposure by choosing more natural body products to use during and after pregnancy.
But don't fall for some "greenwashing" tactics that are out there. Just because something has "natural" in its name may not mean anything: it's just clever marketing.
In general, look for a product that has one or more of these certifications:
You now have a great start to your non-toxic journey. For pregnancy we dig a bit deeper into the actual ingredients and scientific studies. Below are some articles worth a read. They'll help you make simple swaps.
Or make it easy on your pregnant self: join the FREE 7-Day Green Yourself Challenge here.
Does your deodorant contain aluminum, triclosan and parabens? There's a better solution to help keep you less toxic and less stinky.
Does it seem like you should be lathering yourself up in oxybenzone during pregnancy? (hint: nope.) You need a natural mineral sunscreen that's safer for you and baby.
As your hair changes during pregnancy, so might your routine. From dyes to dandruff – here's what you need to know.
Artificial colors, triclosan, fragrance, phthalates... all so uneccessary to keep you clean. Yet companies are still putting this crap in our soap. Just say no.
It’s time to redefine the “fresh and clean” smell. You need a non-toxic, affordable laundry detergent that works.